"Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders." --Henry David Thoreau The Green Postbus



Janet Wissmann   ~   ph. 608-624-5511  9am-9pm(keep trying)

Below are the varieties I have available in fall 2024  ~ I have put together various groupings/collections of my daffodil bulbs this year --   call me for specific directions on how to view those collections online. 





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available in 2024:      15 bulbs of Lycoris squamigera, also known as Autumn Lycoris, Pink Surprise Lily, Magic Lily, Naked Ladies, Resurrection Lily. Foliage comes up at daffodil time, dies back, then a flowers come up in summer as shown in photos!  Deer/rabbit/squirrel resistant.  Large & medium-large bulbs  $3.00ea. + shipping

click pics to enlarge:


9/1/24  ~  Janet Wissmann    608-624-5511   9am-9pm (keep trying)

FOR SALE:  Virginia Bluebells Mertensia virginica  Yes, I can ship!

   Feel free to call with purchase questions, or for appointment to come and choose.  Btwn.Soldiers Grove & Rolling Ground.   (Or I'll be happy to deliver to Viroqua next time I come to town.)   First photo below shows the plants I have available this year (photo is how they looked in their prime in April 2024).  They are dormant in summer and fall which is a great time to plant them.   Large 3- to 4-year-olds  are $10 ea.  . . .  small 1-year-olds  are 10roots/$25 or 25roots/$56 ea.   (ship charge is extra).    Please note that these are plants I responsibly grow from seed; I do not dig from the wild.  I can ship them as dormant roots in summer, fall, and early winter.  They will be shipped bare root with most of the soil removed.  I use Priority Mail.  Shipping charge depends on what you order;  is usually $15-25.

Picture below:  3- to 4-yr. olds, in springtime.  Click to enlarge:


Mature, happy plant with >32 flower stems:

VIRGINIA BLUEBELLS are Zone 3-9 perennial spring ephemerals which grow larger and have more flower stems as the plants get older. Older plants can have >20 stems! Their sky blue color is absolutely gorgeous in early spring when yellow is cheap. They are native to the Eastern USA and are a great source of nectar for early pollinators.   They are only green & growing from very early spring until late spring, then they go dormant until the next spring when, if happy, they come up bigger than the previous year.  They are perfect for in between your hostas.  They'll even set seed for you so in time you will have more plants.  Please feel free to call me with questions.  Grow Native Plants!




CELANDINE POPPY (aka Wood Poppy) SEEDS FOR SALE IN LATE SPRING - Stylophorum diphyllum - native perennial - These bloom at the same time as Va. Bluebells; when paired together the display is stunning. And just like Va. Bluebells, these seeds cannot be allowed to dry out and need to be planted right away. As soon as the seeds are shed by the parent plants, I will pack them in moist potting soil and mail them to you. They are usually ready around late May or early June, so call me to place your order anytime before then.
Delicate and rare, clear yellow celandine poppies have uniquely-shaped glaucous (bluish) leaves.

The Celandine poppy is a native plant and is a great shade garden plant. It is a long-lived perennial which will re-seed and make more plants for you over time. Mature plants are 12-18 inches tall and 12-16" wide. They are lovely when planted under trees with the sky-blue Virginia Bluebell because they bloom at the same time.

Like the Virginia Bluebell, you won't find Celandine Poppy seeds for sale in garden centers or grocery stores, because the seeds of Celandine poppies must be kept moist and must be planted right away. So they will not survive if they are dried and placed in those seed packets you see for sale on racks in stores. And individual potted plants in garden centers will be $10 each or more --if you can find them. One reason you don't find them for sale very often is that they don't transplant well.

Like the Va. Bluebell, Celandine Poppy seeds won't germinate until the following spring, and will not flower that first year, but most woodland and native-plant gardeners are very aware that patience is a virtue! These are long-lived plants and will flower every year once they are mature.

The seeds I'm offering for sale are from my own plants which bloom around April where I live in SW Wisconsin... my seeds are usually ready in June. I will pack your seeds with moisture, and will mail your seeds to you as soon as they are shed by the plant. You will need to plant them ASAP so they don't get moldy.

Please phone me between March 1 - June 30 in any given year, and you can pay with PayPal or send a check. Once you pay, I will mail the seeds to you as soon as they are shed by the plant.   You will receive     200+ seeds for $20 ppd. 
Please phone Janet to purchase Celandine Poppy seeds: 608-624-5511 (CST) 

Note that this offer is only good for a limited time in the spring when the seeds are ready; I do not store seeds here longterm.


Large-flowered Bellwort, aka Merrybells,

Uvularia grandiflora - The closeup of the flower shows how Large-flowered Bellwort has a gently drooping appearance, especially early in the season. Large-flowered bellwort is in the lily family. They bloom at the same time as Virginia Bluebells and so make a great companion plant, as their soft yellow and light green leaves nicely complement the sky blue of bluebells. Unlike bluebells, the plants will stay green and fairly bushy throughout the summer, and so they will fill in where the bluebells have died back. They are an excellent native shade plant for woodland gardens, shaded borders, and wildflower gardens. Their pollen and nectar are utitilized by native Mason Bees and Bumblebees. These plants take three to four years to reach mature flowering size from seed, but the wait is worth it!

Merrybells are good plants for the woodland garden because the foliage stays nice and green throughout the summer months.

  The leaves tend to begin as a lighter green, then eventually go darker as the summer progresses.

These photos at left show the perfoliate nature of the leaves quite well. You can also see the ripening seed pod . Click pictures to enlarge.

After you receive your seeds, plant them as soon as possible. They will sprout the following spring after having been in the ground during the winter. The baby plant will look like a miniature bellwort, only about 1 or two inches high with one to three leaves by the end of the first summer. They will achieve full size in three or four years, and each plant will eventually become as wide as a foot across, with many stems. Like many native woodland species, Bellwort takes a long time to reach a mature stage, but it is definitely worth the wait!

Uvularia seeds should be planted as soon as possible after they are shed by the plant; they cannot be allowed to dry out. I collect my seeds from my extensive woodland garden, and then immediately pack them in moist material and mail them to you. Seeds will need to overwinter outdoors in your garden or prepared nursery bed*** before they will sprout. Please call in April or early May to purchase seed; it is available only at certain times of the year.

50 Uvularia grandiflora Seeds $20 ppd

Please call to order. Please call as early in spring as you can, so I will be sure to collect seed for you when they are ready. You can then pay with your credit card thru PayPal. Or you can send a check.

Uvularia canadensis seeds for sale. The common name is Large-flowered Bellwort, or Merrybells. 50 seeds $20.00 postpaid.Large-flowered Bellwort, Merrybells seeds for sale.
50 seeds $20.00 postpaid. www.thegreenpostbus.blogspot.com

Also available: Virginia Bluebell, Mertensia virginica, seeds for sale

Cornus alternifolia - Phone anytime before mid-July of each year to pre-order seeds. As soon as the seeds are ready, I will collect them and mail them to you immediately. This is usually in July.
100+ seeds/berries for $20 ppd. (I am usually generous in that I include more than I promise.)  
THE SHAPE OF PAGODA DOGWOODS IS EXCEPTIONAL!  Their branches grow in distinct layers, like a pagoda. Native to eastern North America, these are one of the few dogwoods that are hardy to zone 4. They are lovely small, fast-growing understory trees that like some part shade and moister soils. If planted in full sun, it is recommended that they be watered frequently in summer. For more information on these special, native dogwoods, Wikipedia article is good; they don't show a full pic of the tree but is accurate on most of what I have experienced with these dogwoods. Mine are wild type, white flowers. FANTASTIC food for birds in early summer (have counted 12 species of birds including woodpeckers, kingbirds, and vireos coming to the trees to eat the berries). And of course the architectural shape of the tree is beautiful. Generally need moist soil, partial to full shade. They are naturally an understory tree, up to around 15' tall, not very deep roots so could be next to a foundation if that location gets enough rain. The trees take about 8-10 years to reach a good size. In some locations they tend to be multi-stemmed, but you can sometimes coax just one trunk by cutting down the others. Like all dogwoods eventually the main stem will falter at about age 10-15, but the root system will send up other shoots to take the place of the failing one, so the tree itself is long-lived (I have 30-year old specimens, some on their third time around with a new main trunk.) These pictures are from Wikipedia.
The berries from the mature trees are enjoyed by many species of birds including woodpeckers, robins, and vireos.

Woodland Phlox Phlox divaricata
also known as Wild Blue Phlox
Woodland Phlox Seeds  -  Please read below
Sales tax and postage are included in seed price.

Beautiful Woodland Phlox, or Wild Blue Phlox, Phlox divaricata, is a species that is found in the eastern and midwestern United States, living in meadows, at the edge of woods, along roadsides and in the interior of light woods. The scent of Woodland Phlox is beautiful. Over the course of a year or two Wild Blue Phlox forms pleasing mats of color which bloom in May and June. Woodland Phlox do extremely well in rocky scree gardens, on rocky slopes, in sandy soils, and in gravel driveways. They prefer light shade, as they are considered a woodland species, but they can tolerate a good amount of morning or late afternoon sun. This is a carefree perennial which will self-seed and, given time, provide you with May color in surprising places!

Here are two photos showing seedlings of wild blue phlox. Click pictures to enlarge.

The picture below shows a healthy clump of wild phlox, growing in the gravel at the edge of a driveway.
Wild blue phlox will form pleasing mosaics of color that meander within your other plantings. The grouping shown at left runs along a driveway at the edge of woods. After flowering and setting seeds, the plants are then clipped with a weedwhacker to a height of about 5" for the remainder of the summer. This helps keep other tall weeds down.
Over the years they come and go from places, setting seed but never becoming invasive.  They in general seem to do best on disturbed ground or roadsides or edges or cleared areas where other competing plants are not well-established.  Think of them as the pioneers of new ground.  Like a lot of plants they do not re-seed well if you have very heavy leaf cover, so do expect to rake a little in the fall if you plant them under thick deciduous forest.

I started out with three plants, and you can see what it's like ten years on (picture at left). They are not invasive however, so don't be worried about that.   And ten years later, they have moved to more places, showing up at edges of wood-chip paths and under hostas and the edge of borders.

I collect seed from my extensive gardens, and offer it for sale during late spring each year.  Please call me to purchase seed; you can then send a check or if the seeds are ready right away I'll direct you to pay with your credit card thru PayPal so that I can mail your seeds immediately... time is of the essence with many spring wildflower seeds because they cannot be allowed to dry out. 
Janet Wissmann 
Soldiers Grove, Southwestern Wisconsin between Prairie duChien and LaCrosse
150 Woodland Phlox Seeds
$20 postpaid   Please call to order these seeds by Mid-May.   I won't be collecting
seed unless someone has ordered some by then.  The seeds need to be sown when fresh and if there hasn't been any interest, I don't bother collecting any.
  phone 608-624-5511 9am-9pm CST - check or credit card thru Paypal is accepted
Sales tax and postage are included in seed price.





JANET L. WISSMANN, Soldiers Grove, WI   Ph.608-624-5511  9am-9pmCentralTime EveryDay  
Welcome to my garden webpage!  ( For my art, go HERE > >  )   

Several sizes(ages) of plants are available
(call for availability)  -- and SEEDS too: 

  SEEDS:   scroll down this page to buy VaBluebell seeds.

VIRGINIA BLUEBELLS are Zone 3-9 perennial spring ephemerals which grow larger and have more flower stems as the plants get older. Older plants can have >20 stems! Their sky blue color is absolutely gorgeous in early spring when yellow is everywhere! They are native to the Eastern USA and are a great source of nectar for early pollinators. They are only green & growing from very early spring until late spring, then they go dormant until the next spring when they come up bigger than the previous year.  They'll even set seed for you so in time you will have more plants. They are easy to plant. You can plant them any time your ground is not frozen, but summer and fall are the best times so the plants can send out finer roots in the soil before winter.  Please feel free to call me with questions. 
PURCHASE   VA BLUEBELL SEEDS  (free shipping):
      To pay by check,   please phone me; I'll verbally take your order and will set seeds aside for you while you mail your check.   ph. 608-624-5511    9am to 9pm
      To pay with credit card,   phone me and I'll send you an invoice thru PayPal and they will securely manage your credit card payment (you don't need a PayPal account to do this).  ph. 608-624-5511    9am to 9pm
      To pay with Paypal, use these buttons:

                      200 seeds / $20.00        click this button to buy w/ Paypal :

                500 seeds / $40.00      click this button to buy w/ Paypal :


 .  more photos of bluebells:



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